At this time, data on the wellbeing of Native Hawaiians are drawn almost exclusively from sources funded by federal and state governments. This context for data collection is important. The definitions of wellbeing and its indicators, the ways in which the data are collected, and in which they are analyzed and reported are often based on thinly-veiled assumptions that (a) success defined from a White or Euro-American worldview represents the best outcome for all groups and (b) if other racial and ethnic groups behaved more like Whites and Euro-Americans they would experience better outcomes.
As you explore and use these data, we ask you to attend to this context and conscientiously avoid mistaking correlation for causality and actively or passively supporting inferences that higher rates of negative outcomes experienced by Native Hawaiians are attributable to their intrinsic characteristics and/or cultural values and practices.
Where possible, we also ask you to consider how known protective factors often reported at higher rates by Native Hawaiians represent potential pathways to reduce both the overall rates and disproportionality of negative outcomes for Native Hawaiians. We invite you to explore a Native Hawaiian vision of wellbeing articulated in Kūkulu Kumuhana, the CREA-HI statement on Native Hawaiian Data, and the Aloha Evaluation Framework which present principles also applicable to research.
The groups below represent inter-connected aspects of Native Hawaiian well-being. Start searching or select a group of datasets and reports from below. See "How To" above for more details on using this site.
As Native Hawaiians, we have the sovereign right to govern the collection, ownership, and application of data from and about us and to use these data to honor and activate our self-determination. In exercising data sovereignty, our kuleana or responsibility is the well-being of our lāhui or nation and the perpetuation of our culture, knowledge, ways of doing, being, and knowing. To the highest extent possible, those interpreting and applying the data must ensureindividuals, ʻohana, and kaiāulu or community from whom the data are collected are provided an opportunity to participate in the process (e.g., analyses, review of findings, or editing) and to benefit from it.
Data on physical wellbeing. Native Hawaiian health originates from a harmonious relationship between one’s naʻau...
39 Datasets View Ola KinoData on educational wellbeing. Diverse educational opportunities ranging from traditional to contemporary schooling...
36 Datasets View ʻImi ʻIkeData on individual, family, and community connections to people, place, and culture. Social and cultural wellbeing...
22 Datasets View ʻOhana a me PilinaData on material and economic self-sufficiency. Native Hawaiian wellbeing from the lens of kumu waiwai encompasses...
8 Datasets View Kumu WaiwaiData on self-determination on individual-, ʻohana- (family), kaiāulu- (community) and lāhui-(nation) levels. This...
5 Datasets View EaData on emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. This lens of Native Hawaiian wellbeing aims to quantify and...
4 Datasets View Naʻau a me Ke Akua ManaData on the health of the land. This lens highlights the reciprocal nature of wellbeing between ʻāina (that which...
1 Dataset View ʻĀina Momona