Hawaii State Vital Statistics database consists of data extracted from birth certificates, death certificates, fetal death reports, and Intentional Termination of Pregnancy (ITOPS) records as captured by the Hawaii State Department of Health Office of Health Status Monitoring (OHSM). The Birth Data is composed of variables extracted from birth certificates. It holds important information about the birth, the baby, and the parents. The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse (HHDW) reports display birth counts, percentages, and rates, where appropriate, for births among residents by geographic location, race-ethnicity, age, birth weight, parent’s characteristics, delivery term, delivery method, and prenatal care. Additionally, pregnancies and births among teenage females are reported.
The Death Data is composed of information captured by HI-DOH from the issuance of death certificates, fetal death reports, and intentional termination of pregnancy (ITOPS) records. The (HHDW) reports display death counts, mortality rates, and years of potential life lost for deaths among residents by gender, geographic location, race-ethnicity, age, and cause of death. Additionally, deaths among neonates, post neonates, and infants are reported.
In addition to birth and death data, HI-DOH also collects data on marriages and divorces that take place in the state.