How To
Find Data
Exploring Groups
The datasets in the Native Hawaiian Data Portal are grouped into 7 dimensions of wellbeing. They are organized based on their primary focus allowing the user to quickly find related data.
Searching the site
To find datasets in the NHDP, type any combination of search words (e.g. “Hawaiʻi”, “child”, etc) in the search box on any page. NHDP returns the first page of results for your search. You can:
- View more pages of results.
- Repeat the search, altering some terms.
- Restrict the search to datasets with particular tags, data formats, etc using the filters in the left-hand column If there are a large number of results, the filters can be very helpful, since you can combine filters, selectively adding and removing them, and modify and repeat the search with existing filters still in place.
Explore Datasets
When you have found a dataset you are interested and selected it, NHDP will display the dataset page. This includes
The name, description, and other information about the dataset Links to and brief descriptions of each of the resources
When you have found a dataset you are interested and selected it, NHDP will display the dataset page. This includes the name, description, other information about the dataset, links to the resources and brief descriptions of each.
The dataset page also has two other tabs:
- Activity stream – see the history of recent changes to the dataset
- Groups – See which group this dataset is categorized into