Hawaiʻi State Department of Education (HIDOE) Data Systems

The HIDOE is the only statewide public school district in the country. It comprises 256 public schools and 34 charter schools, educating about 180,000 students. The Department collects student data for the purpose of monitoring and improving student learning and school progress. Student data are also used for federal and local reporting requirements. HIDOE alsocollects data to provide services to students and staff and for federal and local reporting purposes. These data are also analyzed by HIDOE to recognize areas of progress and achievement as well as to identify areas for improvement. In total, there are 12 sub-data systems1 collecting various data under HIDOE; they are: (1) Electronic Student Information System, (2) Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System, (3) SMS Food Services, (4) Electronic Human Resources System, (5) PDE3, (6) transportation, (7) facilities, (8) financial management, (9) curriculum development & learning management system, (10) migrant, and (11) longitudinal data system. Information of data elements from each sub-data system is limited; hence, these 12 sub-data systems were group together and discussed altogether under the HIDOE data system.

Data and Resources

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Source http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SchoolDataAndReports/HawaiiEdData/Pages/home.aspx
Maintainer HIDOE
Last Updated August 27, 2021, 22:52 (UTC)
Created September 10, 2019, 00:23 (UTC)
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